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Meet the candidates for 10th District Legislature

Carrie Kennedy (R), Representative, Position 2

Why are you seeking office?

If one's dishonest or outed during an election, why would anyone trust or listen to anything they say or plan to do? I believe LD-10 Position 1 deserves an individual who is honest and trustworthy to represent them. I believe as a We The People candidate, I wish to represent the citizens of LD-10, Washington state and America to the best of my abilities of bring common sense honesty with integrity to represent the community, state and country I love!

How will you increase funding for public school special education and mental health programs?

I believe all departments and agencies must have a complete audit locating where and how funds are being spent. Then adjustments made to go to the most critical areas, depts and agencies. Schools must look at what resources may need potential changes, adjustments and move forward supporting programs which may mean cuts in some programs and adjustments in others.

Where will significant funding for building "missing middle" housing come from?

I have no idea until we know where and how all funds are currently and actually being used and spent!

If I-2109 passes, repealing the tax on long-term capital gains, how will the legislature replace that state funding?

Again, we must look at all state funded programs to see where things can be streamlined, changed if necessary and do what is best for all citizens. It needs to be voted on by the Washington citizens not decided by Washington legislators.

If I-2117 passes, repealing the Washington Climate Commitment Act, what legislative acts are needed to replace it?

I'd like to see the evidence how critical this and other climate related issue truly are in Washington state. And please circle back to my previous answer on I-2109.

What legislative initiatives will reduce usage of gasoline engine vehicles?

I do not see a need to reduce usage of gasoline engine vehicles. We have some of the cleanest standards in the world and do not think more restrictions on "gasoline engine vehicles" serves any purpose except for those who want EV as the replacement. If there are to be initiatives to restrict gasoline engine vehicles, I would not be in favor of that process, or to phase out gasoline engine vehicles. 


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