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Town sees hike in tax receipts

Looking pretty good: La Conner's $65,990 in October sales tax revenue was $387 above 2023's and only $658 below 2022's October record high. These are August's funds, reported by the state's Department of Revenue on a two-month time lag.

The $542,101 total for the year is 89% of 2023's estimate. It is almost certain that the town will beat it forecast of $609,181. This is the fourth month in a row that sales tax revenues are above $60,000.

When sales tax revenues are high, so is the fire department's tax fund. The $6,589 collected bested 2022's previous high by $30. It is also the fourth month in a row above $6,000. The fund is at 107.8%, $3,880 above the budget's projection of $50,000.

Lots of folks stayed more nights in August: the $27,828 in hotel/motel taxes was the highest ever, topping $27,000 for the first time. The total is $3,066 and 12.4% above last year.

The $24,342 in real estate excise tax revenue raises this fund to 167% of the $72,000 total projected for the year.

The $22,305.55 collected in property tax puts the year's total at 61% of projections. November has been one of the three highest months for this tax.

The water fund is at 93% for the year and will likely be above annual budget income projections. Revenue from the three wastewater operations funds is $230,490, close to matching monthly averages.

Once again, town fund revenues are trending to exceed the budget's forecast while expenditures will be less than expected. The town's facilities fund, at 80% of planned expenditures, is the only one of the 14 funds close to matching its annual expenses. The water fund, at 73% is the only other fund above 70% of expenditures. Collectively, the funds are at 56% of projected expenses. While the 14 funds revenues are also below projections, the town will finish 2024 in the black if the income and expenses trends continue.

Retail and hotel tax totals are based on August collection from town stores and online purchases delivered to La Conner addresses and reported to town council from the Department of Revenue.

Town council held its first 2025 budget discussions Tuesday. It intends to pass a budget at its Dec. 10 meeting.

La Conner has a calendar fiscal year.


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